My Netlify SE application

I've setup this site as my take home task for my application.

I'd recently read about Eleventy as a simple static site generator that's gaining popularity. In reading about it I found a version thats preconfigured with NetlifyCMS. I approached this with a "beginners mind". That is, someone who just wants to get a simple site up and running, and is currently finding their way around Git and the JAMstack approach to creating web applications.

I began by deploying Hylia to Netlify, and cloned my repo locally.

Latest posts

  1. 10. Suggestion to improve this test or the job posting.

  2. 9. Set up a redirect from “/netlify/anything” to

  3. 8. A customer writes in saying their “site won’t build”. Compose: your best short (2-paragraph) customer-facing answer, without any additional data, that could be useful in the generic case, but would also lead to a customer providing a more actionable response.

  4. 7. Explain, in a couple of paragraphs, what you think 2 major challenges around DNS configuration are for less-technical internet end-users.

  5. 6. Importance of SSL/HTTPS.

  6. 5. Provide a link to documentation for a technical/developer-focused product, which you think are well done, and briefly explain why you think they are well done.

  7. 4. Talk about how you made your site and why you chose the tools you did. Briefly explain a challenge you experienced in setting up this site and how you solved it.

  8. 3. What I think of Netlify. Provide either some constructive criticism or some points that impressed you. Be honest! “It sucked” isn’t a wrong answer unless you don’t elaborate and provide some constructive criticism ;)

  9. 2. My favorite thing about providing technical support.

  10. 1. Rank your 5 favorite, and 5 least favorite, activities from this list: