4. Talk about how you made your site and why you chose the tools you did. Briefly explain a challenge you experienced in setting up this site and how you solved it.

— 1 minute read

When I read about SSG's at present, Gatsby is the king, but I wanted to look at alternatives. I'd previously used Hugo and enjoyed the steep learning curve, but I wanted to keep things simple this time around.

I've been reading some posts from Phil Hawksworth, developer advocate at Netlify, and he's been pretty impressed with Eleventy as a simple, no frills static site generator. I did a little research and found Hylia, a version of Eleventy with NelifyCMS preconfigured. I was impressed by its accessiblity for new users of SSG's, so I took a "beginners mind" approach and deployed it to Netlify from the GitHub repo. I also took the opportunity to dive into using NetlifyCMS.

I setup my repo and also cloned it locally, keeping that up to date with git pull.